Kia Mobile
Mobile specific site to showcase the full range of Kia cars, as well as resources to connect with local dealers.
The challenge
Kia Australia engaged us to look at a companion mobile site to sit alongside their more extensive desktop site. The challenge was to reduce the content so as to better serve a car buyer on the go, as well as provide mobile specific tools like maps and contact features.
For me, this was an opportunity to work in the auto space with a bit more focus on utility, as opposed to the more marketing oriented work I helped create for Mercedes-Benz.
As is the case on so many projects, tight timelines and budgets meant little room for user interviews and testing. We relied mostly on user insights coming straight from the client to help inform the information architecture and content prioritisation.
Looking back
Although many of the graphical choices were dictated by established brand guidelines, it’s safe to say that my approach to designing user interfaces has evolved over the years, as has my approach to product development.
Looking back on old work can often be a cringeworthy experience, but it’s also the best way to see how much you have grown and matured as a designer, something that should never be underestimated.